For Employers

For employers

Employers have a duty to ensure that all routine tasks in their business are without risk to safety or health. In practice, the collection and storage of WEEE, waste lamps and waste batteries could be considered to be a routine task and as such, it should be subject to a formal risk assessment, have an associated procedure and relevant staff members should be trained.


The information supplied on this webpage should enable the effective risk assessment of the process at businesses such as schools, offices, retailers, supermarkets, etc.

The HSA has developed free e-learning modules on a number of topics including Risk Assessment. The Risk Assessment e-learning module can be found here. To enrol, it is necessary to create a free account.

Further HSA guidance on risk assessment can be found here. Worked risk assessment examples and templates can be found at the end of the document.

Further information

Recharge has produced some good guidance on lithium batteries in the form of a lithium-ion battery fact sheet. It is available here.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has produced some guidance on the storage of hazardous household waste. It can be found here.

Further information is available upon request from