Close the WEEELoop

Close the E-Loop

Initiatives and Case Studies

I4R – WEEE Recycling Information Platform

To better respond to recyclers’ needs, APPLiA and DIGITALEUROPE created a single central online platform – the Information for Recyclers Platform (I4R) – where recyclers can access dismantling and recycling information at product category level. Published in 2018, the platform is hosted and maintained by the WEEE Forum, an international association of producer responsibility organisations and a centre of competence.

Partner Initiative / Producer / WEEE Ireland & Partners / All WEEE / Recycle / Reuse

Key Findings

  • Manufacturers are encouraged to use I4R to meet the requirements of Article 15 of Directive 2012/19/EU. 
  • Recyclers and preparing for re-use operators to use the I4R to fulfil the provisions set out in Annex VII to the Directive 2012/19/EU.  
  • I4R is easy to use and helps to reduce costs linked to compliance for both manufacturers and recyclers.
  • The European Power Tool Association (EPTA) has recently joined the I4R platform and contributed with a new product category on power tools and 4 new product fiches.
  • A grand total of 47 product fiches in 6 product categories are currently at the user’s disposal. 



Article 15 of the Directive 2012/19/EU (or the WEEE Directive) requires producers to provide information free of charge about preparation for re-use and treatment for each type of EEE placed on the market. The WEEE Directive incorporates Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principles into its legislation on making producers responsible for the organisation and/or finance of the collection and treatment of end-of-life EEE. This Directive is extremely important on a European scale as it promotes sustainable production and consumption as targeted under Sustainable Development Goal 12. 

I4R aims to remove the administrative burden on recyclers by creating a single online platform to gather essential information. This encourages environmental compliance and governance throughout the recycling process across Europe. 

For More Information

You can visit the I4R platform at and request access to the I4R platform here. 

Please Contact if you have any questions about the platform.