August 19, 2013
WEEELABEX: Standards that will take the WEEE management business to the next level
In the past four years, the WEEE Forum, an EU grouping associating 38 producer compliance schemes, developed proprietary standards in coalition with recyclers and producers. CENELEC, a European standards body, is now translating the standards into official EN standards. The standards will affect all parties collecting, handling or processing e-waste.
In 2008, the European Commission awarded funding under its LIFE programme to the WEEE Forum for ‘WEEELABEX’ (WEEE LABel of Excellence), a four-year project (2009-12) the chief aspiration of which was to protect the environment through the development, on the one hand, of a set of European standards covering the collection, sorting, handling, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of all kinds of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), and, on the other hand, rules to decide whether an undertaking’s processes deserve to be WEEELABEX approved and procedures that will guarantee that trained auditors conduct the same type of audits of undertakings involved in those activities.